Mission and Vision
The Mehsana District Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
The Last decade of twentieth century was a period of economic recovery. The Banking scenario during the same period was changing fast. Our focus on social upliftment by extending financial assistance to the needy and deserving people with limited means and thereby make them self reliant. We The Mehsana Dist. Central Co-operative Bank have always tried to help our valued customers and farmers with providing efficient customer services. The bank solicits patronage of local people and aspires to become a strong and leading District Co-operative Bank.
Our Bank
The Mehsana District Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
The Mehsana District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd is one of the leading Bank working in the old Mehsana District. The Bank is working under three tier structure. The Bank is having RBI License. The area of operation is financed to Primary Agriculture Credit Societies as well as direct to the Farmers/Customers. The Main function of the Bank is to collect Deposit from public and Advances to Farmers/Customers. The Mehsana District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., former called Mehsana Prant Sahkari Bank Ltd” was established and inaugurated by Vadodara State Hon’ble Sahkari officer Sir, Manilal Balabhai Nanavati on 18.06.1917 with Registration dated 11.05.1917 with a vision to provide a root in the Co-operative Sector. Mehsana Prant was one of the big Prant in the state of Baroda, but few co-operative societies were working at that time in the Prant. To lead the Co-operative Societies, Vadodara state Hon’able Sahkari Officer Sir, Manibhai Balabhai Nanavati and enthusiastic Subba Ravbahadur Govindbhai Hathibhai Desai personally taken leadership and met personally to the people of the Mehsana Prant and encourage them to develop co-operative activities. Former Kingdom of Baroda State was merged with the Mumbai state in the year 1949-50, the constitution of Bank(Bye laws) was come in force and registered with No.13194/A dated 09.03.1950. The Bank initially named was “Mehsana Prant Sahkari Bank Ltd” was amended as “The Mehsana District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd” in the year 1950, to cater banking services in a old Mehsana District. To cater banking services in a District by considering financial position and various activities conducted, RBI has grated Banking License to the Bank vide License No. RPCD(AH)19/2011-12. At present area of operation of the bank is entire Mehsana District, Patan District except Santalpur and Radhanpur Talukas and Mansa and Kalol talukas of Gandhinagar District. Bank has completed its “Golden Jubilee Year” in the year 2017. In the technological era, Bank was adopted technology. Now all 88 branches are working under CBS. Therefore Bank is providing NEFT/RTGS facility to its Customers. Aadhar Subsidy linkage is also available in all the Branches. Due to the Core Banking Solution(CBS), bank also providing Inter Branch Transactions facility and SMS alert facility to the Customers. At present The Bank’s Audit class is “B”.711 PACS and 630 Milk Co-operative Societies are affiliated with the Bank. Since establishment of Bank has been under the leadership of a different leaders who all were leaders in the true sense in the fields of Co-operative. Those are the leaders who have seen many visions for the bank and each of them took the bank to the highest feet of their time and have always tried to provide something unique which is a need of co-operative sector. The successful leaders of the Bank their given contribution are as follows,